Creative Writing Opens Doors

Creative Writing Opens Doors

Last night at a regular session of Open Door something different happened. That is not unusual as “something different” is pretty much par for the course. What was special about this time was that the participants, who volunteered, got to share some of their creativity.

The moderator, let’s call her Alice, gave us some prompts, a time limit, and then encouraged, cajoled, and applauded, as participants agreed to read some of their writings. Keep in mind that this occurred in three sessions, two of three minutes, and a finale of five minute. How creative can you be in such a short time span? You might be amazed.

My writings were mediocre, but, as one of the themes available to us was trees, and as I had recently written about trees, I decided to give it a go. After my three short pieces, I will elaborate a little. Thanks for your indulgence.

Theme 1: A Setting:

A Forest

A forest might seem too big; to great; too foreboding. However, a forest when we divide it, can be home to flora and fauna. It can be an orchard, or a copse.

Why not offer a forest as a Christmas present, a birth present, or in honor of a recently deceased?

A copse of trees, I recently found out, is not recognized as a word by Word. So, it must be good.

A forest ca ne a meeting place for friends or friends to be.

Theme 2: A Symbol:


A tree is life.

But a tree is also more. For if anything can be more than life, I guess it would be lives.

To live lives merrily, you need hope. Where does hope fit into, faith, hope, and love? I would place a tree as the symbol of hope.

A tree gives me hope.

You can climb it.

Trim it.

Gather its fruit.

Enjoy the share.

Hug it.

Mark it.

A tree is my symbol of hope.

Theme 3: Someone we know well:

Al and the Forest

Al walked towards the copse of trees. As he approached the trees, the trees seemed to be approaching him.

Al was startled and perturbed. “Is it the ale,” he wondered. But as Al continued forward, he realized that it was not all the trees that were advancing. It seemed to be only a handful. “Wonderful,” he thought.

“We are Ent, the Tree herders. Do not be hasty in your actions.”

“But Ents are told to live in the northern Old Forests,” mumbled Al.

“Those were our husbands. We left them. We were needed here.”

…to be continued….

Now, you will agree with me, that these tidbits, are nothing special. However, they helped me piece together some themes that I was thinking about and pondering for quite some time. If you know Tolkien, you know of the Ents. If you don’t know Tolkien, you are in for a treat.

What happened to the female Ents? It seems they went south. I have a tale to tell, and I guess it is up to me to note what the characters are whispering to me…


Lino Matteo ©™

Twitter @Lino_Matteo

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