Write It Down: Financial Literacy

Write It Down Part 18 of our Financial Literacy series. It might seem like a silly little bit of information. However, writing things down can help tremendously when it comes to financial matters. This is especially true if you are new or unsure of the financial world. The financial world is fraught with jargon andContinue reading “Write It Down: Financial Literacy”

Boring Memos?

Boring Memos? Making Your Memo Less Boring When is the last time that a memo excited you. Perhaps you heard about a big social media company letting go of a significant portion of their workforce via memo. That goes to show that not all excitement is good. On the other hand, there are certain advantagesContinue reading “Boring Memos?”

Writing a Book? Part 2

Some Tips from John Irving’s The Last Chairlift John Irving happens to be one of my favourite American authors. His insights are deeply appreciated, and true to form there is usually a writer or two among his characters. The Last Chairlift is chock full of tips, bits, and some good writing advice. Below is aContinue reading “Writing a Book? Part 2”

Writing a Book?

Writing a Book? Recently I wrote about Flawed to the Core which is an excellent resource for those thinking of writing their first (or fifth) novel.  The author, Kyle Belote, gives good advice and insights into “Building Memorable Characters and Writing” which happens to be the subtitle of the book. Writing is a freeing experienceContinue reading “Writing a Book?”

Yesterday: 900 Days of Blogging

Yesterday: 900 Days of Blogging Actually, it is today, but I am writing this for tomorrow, so yesterday will do. Yesterday, was my 900th daily article. They were not all good; they were not all bad; but when I wrote them, they all meant something to me. And that, I think, is the best reasonContinue reading “Yesterday: 900 Days of Blogging”

Stop Thinking?

Stop Thinking? At a talk last night, someone advocated the benefits of not thinking. The talked about how someone with the proper training could go for days without thinking. That sounded like hell to me. On the other hand, there are people that never stop thinking. They fret about that, and about that. “What willContinue reading “Stop Thinking?”

When You Are Writing

When You Are Writing Business English: Getting Your Message Across Some thoughts for better Business English. The easiest thing to say, is to “write what you know about.” But for most business owners and executives, time is at a premium. Finding some quiet time to ponder, research, find quotes, check facts – and all thatContinue reading “When You Are Writing”

Creative Writing Opens Doors

Creative Writing Opens Doors Last night at a regular session of Open Door something different happened. That is not unusual as “something different” is pretty much par for the course. What was special about this time was that the participants, who volunteered, got to share some of their creativity. The moderator, let’s call her Alice,Continue reading “Creative Writing Opens Doors”

I Hate Finding Typos

I Hate Finding Typos A loyal reader said to me, “I hate finding typos.” I replied, “Are you more concerned about the typos, or about delivering your message?” Regular readers know that I do a fair about of book reviews. I think, therefore I verified, and my goodreads app confirmed that I have read andContinue reading “I Hate Finding Typos”

Writing: When You Know Stuff…

Writing: When You Know Stuff… When you know something about a subject, it is so much easier to write about it. Veteran and successful author and copywriter, Bob Bly, recently explained that he tells, “young people who want to become writers NOT to major in copywriting, marketing, journalism, or creative writing!” Experience Credentials Understanding Why?Continue reading “Writing: When You Know Stuff…”

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