Stoics: 7 Lessons for Business

Stoics: 7 Lessons for Business What is Stoicism? Stoicism is an old philosophy started by the Ancient Greeks but brought to fruition by the Romans. It is an approach designed to make us adaptable, happier, virtuous, and wise. That sounds good for everyone – and more people should try it. We might all live inContinue reading “Stoics: 7 Lessons for Business”

Homes: Needs to be Easier.

Roof Over Our Heads: Needs to be Easier. A lawyer buddy shared a story with me. It was published in a major Canadian newspaper, so we shall accept the facts as stated – even though you should verify things for how they pertain to you. The story goes like this. Since Mary was not payingContinue reading “Homes: Needs to be Easier.”

Less Is More

Business Analyst: Less Is More. The best bosses and the best analysts have things in common. For instance, they both know that people matter; they both know that simplification is good, and they both know how to subtract work. Too often we hear that employees are lazy. How the owners get upset when the employeesContinue reading “Less Is More”

Want to Retire to a Business? Part 2

Do You Want to Retire to a Business? Part 2 Retirement means different things for different people. Last week I wrote on that topic. Continuing on that theme, we have some other suggestions, tips, experiences, and ideas that might help you succeed if you are considering starting, or better yet, acquiring an existing business. CoffeeContinue reading “Want to Retire to a Business? Part 2”

Do You Want to Retire to a Business?

Do You Want to Retire to a Business? How about a bookstore? A friend of mine is thinking of acquiring a coffee bar. They are wondering how to attract more clients. Since bookstores have coffee shops, they were wondering if a coffee bar could partner up with a bookstore. A bookstore? Look there is aContinue reading “Do You Want to Retire to a Business?”

Business Analyst: Strengths

Business Analyst: Strengths “What Are Your Strengths”: Analyst’s Perspective: Part 61 of our series – “What Can an Analyst Do for You?”  “What Are Your Strengths”: Part 61 of our series – “What Can an Analyst Do for You?”  Being in Business is not easy. In fact, it is difficult. How can you make itContinue reading “Business Analyst: Strengths”

Expansion: Is Now the Time?

Expansion: Is Now the Time? If you are a business owner, you likely want to see it grow. Whether it is part of your estate planning, a need to increase revenue to fill capacity, or just so that you can make next month’s rent, few are the businesses that are not looking for increased revenue.Continue reading “Expansion: Is Now the Time?”

What Are R&D Tax Credits?

What Are R&D Tax Credits? What are R&D Tax Credits? Good question. First off, you do not need to be a research center or a high-end lab to qualify. Companies as diverse as food manufacturers to software developments; Financial technology to Life Sciences can all qualify. Of course, it depends on your local jurisdiction. ItContinue reading “What Are R&D Tax Credits?”

Business Analyst: Value Your Work 

“Value Your Work”: Analyst’s Perspective: Part 58 of our series – “What Can an Analyst Do for You?”  Business Analysis: Value Your Work Putting a value on your work is a problem for many professionals. All too often they are forced to charge X dollars per hour. Thus, pricing themselves out of some work, andContinue reading “Business Analyst: Value Your Work “

Business in a Box: Financial Literacy

Business in a Box: Financial Literacy What exactly does a “Business in a Box” mean?  Some describe it as a franchise. Maybe. Some talk about licensing a deal? Closer. Some what you sell you a package that you only ‘flip a switch’ and everything is done. Really? If it is was as simple as that,Continue reading “Business in a Box: Financial Literacy”

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