Estate Planning: Overview

Valuations and Estate Planning: Overview My friend was telling me about a tricky situation. His client, we’ll call him Paul, wants to take over the family business. Noble in this day of luxury and leisure. The problem is that he has two siblings, Mary and Marta. They do not work in the business. Mary hasContinue reading “Estate Planning: Overview”


ABUSE IS NOT LOVE “Happy Mother’s Day” – went the conversation between two middle aged ladies at the checkout counter. “I went to see my son at the cemetery.” Those are words that tell you that “All was not well in the world.” “He was killed by my abusive spouse while still in the womb.Continue reading “ABUSE IS NOT LOVE”

Stoics: 7 Lessons For business

Stoics: 7 Lessons For business What is Stoicism? Stoicism is an old philosophy started by the Ancient Greeks but brought to fruition by the Romans. It is an approach designed to make us adaptable, happier, virtuous, and wise. That sounds good for everyone – and more people should try it. We might all live inContinue reading “Stoics: 7 Lessons For business”

Cash Flow Is King: Analyst’s Perspective

Cash Flow Is King: Analyst’s Perspective – Part 66 of our continuing series Very few things are more important to a business than cash flow. It is what ensures that the bills get paid, salaries are honored, and you are ready for growth. If you are a business owner, you likely want to see itContinue reading “Cash Flow Is King: Analyst’s Perspective”

Thanks Moms

Thanks Moms Mothers come in different sizes, colors, methods, and ages. Yet, they all share one thing in common. The care that they give. Some get bended, life is tough on moms too. Some try too hard, that is what moms do. Some are just right. In any event we all had a mom andContinue reading “Thanks Moms”

Pastels & Prose: Thoughts

Pastels & Prose: Thoughts Camille Isaacs Morell shares, in her images and words, the beauty, the joy and the love of her life, her family, and what she has seen. And you really can share her journey. A journey of discovery, fraught with the challenges and bestowed with love. You can find out more aboutContinue reading “Pastels & Prose: Thoughts”

Lasagna: Easy with Planning  

Lasagna: Easy with Planning    Lasagna is easy if you plan ahead.  So said a high school French teacher. He had a name that sounded French, but he was clearly an Anglo, but he liked to use making lasagna as a metaphor. Lasagna is not a last-minute thing. However, the combinations and permutations – theyContinue reading “Lasagna: Easy with Planning  “

Black Swan: Warning

Black Swan: A Financial Literacy Concept They say that ‘A black swan’ is an unpredictable event, that is beyond what is normally expected from a situation. They say that. However, how many times do you need to see bubbles to understand that “this time it is different” is not really so different? Let’s continue with aContinue reading “Black Swan: Warning”

Homes: Needs to be Easier.

Roof Over Our Heads: Needs to be Easier. A lawyer buddy shared a story with me. It was published in a major Canadian newspaper, so we shall accept the facts as stated – even though you should verify things for how they pertain to you. The story goes like this. Since Mary was not payingContinue reading “Homes: Needs to be Easier.”

What Is Art?

What Is Art? Have you ever wondered about ‘what is art’?  It is worth pondering. Someone replied to this question with, ‘why is art?’ Perhaps that is an even more intriguing question. When trying to define art, it is useful to keep the medium in mind. Should we refer to painting or visual arts; theContinue reading “What Is Art?”

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