Total Eclipse: Sunday Thought

Total Eclipse: A Spiritual Moment?

A ‘friend’ at a recent Open Door thought that the recent Total Eclipse might be a spiritual moment. Maybe, but as another member pointed out, so is the budding of the new spring flowers. I have already pointed out that the tulips coming back – year after year – is an excellent example of rebirth. Just a Sunday Thought.

However, my quick poll (@LinosVersion) finished the Tuesday morning just before 9am. That was a scarce 18 hours or so after the eclipse. Here are the results from 111 voters, and 794 views. The question, “How about that #Eclipse2024?”

  • Watched it and WOW!                                             48.6%
  • Watched it and ho-hum                                             8.1%
  • Wasn’t interest                                                         14.4%
  • Not in these parts!                                                   28.8%

You can see the details here:

Let’s take out the respondents that were not lucky enough to witness this celestial delight. 

The number that “Watched it and WOW!” goes up to just over 68% of those that could see it. 20% weren’t interested. Hey, they may be beach and water people. And other 11.4% saw it, and weren’t impressed. I guess they did not have the special glasses.      

Dark days aren't so rare...

Some people found the engulfing darkness eerily fun. Others were surprised by the drop in temperature. Others, like me, when we could see a glowing moon covering the sun in its entirety. And of course, I had to tell one of my granddaughters the tale of Mowgli, his adopted sister Lowgli, and Baloo the Bear. How Baloo explained the eclipse was explained to him by his grandsire’s bear’s grandsire. How the moon ate the sun, but had a sore tummy. The sun was too big and hot, so the moon had to poop the sun out. Silly? Sure. But there were adults waiting for the Rapture. Who is silly now?

You see something can be wondrous and not spiritual. Something can be spiritual and not wondrous. And yes, some things can be both. At least for Steven. Just a Sunday Thought.  

Lino Matteo ©™

Twitter @Lino_Matteo

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