Billionaires Want Trump: A Warning

Billionaires Want Trump: A Financial Literacy Warning

Billionaires want a puppet that they can control. The billionaires think they are the Ringmasters and Trump is the tool to get them the votes from a scared, worried, ill-formed segment of society. They also don’t care about being pro-life – they want to be pro-birth so that they have fodder for their factories, and consumers for their goods. Welcome to the world of billionaires – not all, but too many.

Billionaires want Trump. Trump wants billionaires.

Billionaires can’t win the popular vote. Too many imponderables. So, they go spend on places with less people, less opportunity, more fear, and spread half-truths about how bad it is on the other side. Lies become truth – after all most of the media are owned by billionaires, and they are not always subtle on exerting influence.  What is not owned by billionaires, competes for advertising and promotional dollars from billionaires. Billionaires have influence.

Billionaires want Trump. Trump wants billionaires.

Whole industries are owned by this this oligopoly of billionaires – they club together, take exclusive holidays together, and band together. After all, how much did eliminating the estate tax save them? How about lowering income tax? What is 50 million for a pool of desirable judicial candidates, when they can save you 500 million? Know what I mean?

Fascism is a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government ~ The Britannica Dictionary

Billionaires do not fear fascism, not a little of it, at any rate.  They have the money to hire their own goons, influence political and judicial functionaries, and generally, bully their way through the system. Sounds harsh? Study history. Many fortunes were made in NAZI Germany, until they were not. Billionaires of that era, often lament the attack on Soviet Russia, but not the whole stinking apparatus.

One of my followers on Twitter wrote, ‘While President Biden and Dems are fighting to improve the lives of regular, working Americans, the Republicans are fighting for: – junk fees – price gouging – no wage increases – predatory college loans – HIGHER costs of insulin – higher age of retirement – killing affordable care act – killing Social Security and Medicare” ~ @mmpadellan

Sure, billionaires don’t really care about society at large. They can buy what they think they need. And they are emulated and even worshipped by the media that they control. Hey, they feel they have earned it. And they want to keep it – the money, the power, and the influence.

What can be done?

  • Vote – and vote for parties that are not bought, or at least rented, by the billionaires.
  • Advocate – for votes and campaign financing reform
  • Share – in a gentle, listening fashion, why voting for billionaires is not smart for the 99%
  • Educate – yourself, ourselves, and themselves. Always be ready to learn, and gently share the lessons

Too many think that they are powerless. “What will my vote matter.” Hey, you know what? Trump can only vote once. There are less than 1000 billionaires in the USA. Their votes matter, but, so do yours. Vote, advocate, share a gentle message that things can get better, and educate yourself, against the lies, half-truths, and nonsense that they and the media all too often spew. And yes, that means understanding enough financial literacy, to know that you do not know it all, but are not intimidated to ask when you are not sure.

Lino Matteo ©™

Twitter @Lino_Matteo

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Fascism: A Warning: A Review – Lino Matteo’s Version (

Published by Lino Matteo

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