Jamaica Confounding Island: Thoughts

Jamaica – The Confounding Island: Thoughts The actual title of this book by  Orlando Patterson, is “The Confounding Island: Jamaica and the Postcolonial Predicament”. The author is a Professor of Sociology at Harvard University and it shows. His insights and citations are interesting, to say the least, however, they sometimes get in the way ofContinue reading “Jamaica Confounding Island: Thoughts”

The Secret Servant: Thoughts

The Secret Servant: Thoughts Gabriel Allon is back for the 7th installment from Daniel Silva. It is your first encounter with Allon, you are in for a treat. If you are rereading, like I am, then there is some repetition. More of an echo actually, similar, yet different. There is also a progression in theContinue reading “The Secret Servant: Thoughts”

Palestine Peace Not Apartheid: Pondering

Palestine Peace Not Apartheid: Pondering Author, Jimmy Carter, from 2006 Is a true and lasting peace possible for a place with many names and a long and turbulent history? Jimmy Carter thought so in his book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid. Peace was much more than just a thought. He lived the effort to peace. This book shares someContinue reading “Palestine Peace Not Apartheid: Pondering”

The Wife of Willesden: Thoughts

The Wife of Willesden: Thoughts What a strange, yet charming, book by Zadie Smith. It is a play. It is a historical revision. It is fun. And it is a reminder of why I did not like Chaucer, back in the day., but maybe I should have. Be forewarned, this story is “Told in verseContinue reading “The Wife of Willesden: Thoughts”

The Messenger: Thoughts

The Messenger: Thoughts When you are reading a Gabriel Allon novel by Daniel Silva there is little doubt about it. You will get strife between Israel and its enemies. You will get art. You will get beautiful women. And you will get an adventure of a lifetime, for most, but for Gabriel, it is justContinue reading “The Messenger: Thoughts”

21 Lessons for 21st Century: Thoughts

21 Lessons for the 21st Century: Thoughts Author, Yuval Noah Harari, wrote an interesting book that got published in  2018. Unfortunately, for him, it became, to a certain extent, obsolete within the next few years. Things like the Pandemic, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and China belligerence in the South China Seas, have upended someContinue reading “21 Lessons for 21st Century: Thoughts”

The Secret Keeper: Thoughts

The Secret Keeper: Thoughts This is a story of Dash and Dot and if that sounds like it has Morse Code as its theme, you are not far wrong. It is an enchanting tale of two sisters, their love, their strife, and the war that separates them and then brings them together. It is alsoContinue reading “The Secret Keeper: Thoughts”

Charlotte’s Web: Thoughts

Charlotte’s Web: Thoughts Have you read Charlotte’s Web? Sure, you likely have heard about it, especially if you have kids, but have you actually read it? After all, it was first published in 1952. That means that the library’s copy was probably old when you got to it. And who wants to read about aContinue reading “Charlotte’s Web: Thoughts”

Kid’s Guide to Anime & Manga

A Kid’s Guide to Anime & Manga: Exploring the History of Japanese Animation and Comics by Samuel Sattin, with Patrick Macias (Contributor), and Illustrated by, utomaru This book is recent, from 2023. It is full of information that hardcore fans would find interesting. For someone, like myself, who is simply dipping his toes into the world of AnimeContinue reading “Kid’s Guide to Anime & Manga”

Pastels & Prose: Thoughts

Pastels & Prose: Thoughts Camille Isaacs Morell shares, in her images and words, the beauty, the joy and the love of her life, her family, and what she has seen. And you really can share her journey. A journey of discovery, fraught with the challenges and bestowed with love. You can find out more aboutContinue reading “Pastels & Prose: Thoughts”

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