Kindness Matters

Kindness Matters It should seem obvious that kindness matters. Yet, why are so many of us, so mean, so often. Before you say something, does it need to be said?  Is it kind to say it. We are not talking about lying, rather about being considerate. Ask yourself the three things you must always askContinue reading “Kindness Matters”

Four Years Ago: Where Were You?

Four Years Ago: Where Were You? Don’t remember? Maybe this can help – sporting events were getting cancelled; restaurants and hotels were shutting down; air travel was grinding to a halt; cruise ships were almost marooned – yes, Covid-19 was spreading its wrath. What were you up to? Where were you? What have we learned?Continue reading “Four Years Ago: Where Were You?”

Count Your Blessings

Count Your Blessings Was reading Jing Si Aphorisms by Shih Cheng Yen, and there is good advice.  “Count your blessings, cherish them and sow more blessings.” Count your blessings, cherish them and sow more blessings. We, humans, are social beings. We want and need interactions with others. Some are in a place to give. Some areContinue reading “Count Your Blessings”

Things Were Better Back Then

Things Were Better Back Then Were things actually better back then? Or did you have to work harder to get those things? Working harder means that you appreciate things more. For instance, apples tasted better. Not all apples tasted better, mind you. It was the apples that we picked. The monsieur would chase us downContinue reading “Things Were Better Back Then”

Sunday Thought: Religion

Sunday Thought: Religion One time at a seminar, someone commented on how do you know if someone’s beliefs are not right. Beliefs are funny that way. My rule is tolerance. If your beliefs make you intolerant, they may be worth a second look. And if your beliefs are creating hate, well then it may beContinue reading “Sunday Thought: Religion”

Rudeness: No, Thanks!

Rudeness: No, Thanks! Have people gotten ruder post- pandemic? That is a discussion that has cropped up over the last few months. It was particularly pertinent after a recent soccer game where the coach was very boorish. That led to a conversation around the lunch table yesterday. Out of twelve people, ten and a halfContinue reading “Rudeness: No, Thanks!”

Hate Speech: Restorative Justice

Hate Speech: Restorative Justice Is Hate Speech ever acceptable? That was the question that prompted a prior blog post, Hate Speech: Is that Cool?. That article, in part, was based on a Twitter poll that I conducted:   So, let’s go with the premise, that people are willing to limit their right to say whatContinue reading “Hate Speech: Restorative Justice”

Hate Speech: Is that Cool?

Hate Speech: Is that Cool? Is Hate Speech ever acceptable? Some will argue that it is part of free speech. But does free speech ever have to be hateful? In one of his famous speeches, Martin Luther King Jr. explained, “Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid ofContinue reading “Hate Speech: Is that Cool?”

Patience Please

Patience Please At the Open Door’s Spiritual Moment, the conversation had us focusing on the benefits of patience. Open Door is Communitas’ weekly signature event. It is a gathering of those who have spent time in prison together with everyday community members. The meetings provide mentorship, accountability, empowerment, and belonging. It is Communitas’ experience, andContinue reading “Patience Please”

How Are You Sharing Christmas?

How Are You Sharing Christmas? If you are like me, you might be blessed with a few events. One of them was the “Communitas Christmas Party” last week. It was work, but fun work. We should all be so lucky – see my post below. Was talking to a friend about it, and they askedContinue reading “How Are You Sharing Christmas?”

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